Our products help schools overcome very different communication challenges, are simple-to-use, offer long term savings and are proven to be effective in study after study.
Do you recall the magic that took place when you put on the 3-D glasses to watch a 3-D movie for the first time? How, if you lifted the glasses up from your eyes, you could see the blurry and unappealing images on the screen, but once you put them back on you could only see perfectly clear images?
For the fifth year in a row, at the end of June, FrontRow had the honor of providing the classroom audio systems for the Listen to Me! Summer Institute at the Stanford University campus in Palo Alto, California.
If you are like the many school administrators and teachers that I know, during the school year you barely have time to walk away from the many committees you serve on and can rarely get your eyes off papers to be graded and lesson plans to be changed.
According to turn-of-the-20th-century Dutch-German-French ethnographer Arnold van Gennep, a rite of passage is a celebration of the passage which occurs when an individual leaves one group to enter another.
From virtual reality learning modules and 3-D printing to wearables and gargantuan 100’ displays replacing the former 60’ screens, education technology—which has filled classrooms for decades—is more than ever, all the rage.
I had the great opportunity to visit the classrooms of three spectacular teachers at Piedmont Middle School, in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our crew was out filming the staff’s and teachers’ stories about FrontRow and, beyond the positive product feedback, I walked away with a renewed admiration for the craft of teaching.
Powerful, teacher-created online instruction can be part of your school's daily routine — in literally minutes. Administrators are excited about 'flipped classrooms' because teachers using this model often get dramatically better outcomes.
Whether it’s the extra daylight we get or the fact that everything around us in in bloom, spring has been proven to have positive effects on our wellbeing
Many schools use networked systems daily for paging, intercom, and bells. But only in the last several years have they recruited networked technology to support crisis situations where clear communication and speed are critical.
April is National Autism Awareness Month and it is an excellent opportunity to promote autism awareness, autism acceptance and to draw attention to the tens of thousands facing an autism diagnosis each year.